- Date: April 24, 2021
- AO: Canada
- Qs:
- Warm-a-rama: Vowels
- Group 1: LBT, Maxine, and Uncle Rico
- Group 2: Binary, Tapout, Uncle Rico, and Whizzer
- PAX: Kato, Daily Show, Roadie (R), Slick (R), Bam (R), Mea, Whizzer, FIAB (R), Binary, Belding, Clockwork (DR), Cena, Coach (FNG), Gemini, Runner-Up, Tapout, Sophie (FNG), Lego (2.0), Curious George (2.0), FNG 2.0, Backfdraft (R), Peep Show (FNG), Fizzle, Vanilla, Double Dutch (2.0), Cavitation, Ziggy, Knockout (2.0), Sparky (R), Air Show (R), LBT (R), Uncle Rico, Skillet (DR), OFD (DR), Abacus, Firewall, Hot Wheels, Rx (R), Mall Walker, Poly (R), Yahtzee, Puppy Chow (R), Vowels, and Maxine
- SSH x20 IC
- Don Quixotes x10 IC
- Grass Grabbers x10 IC
- SSH x20 IC
The pax were split into 2 groups, and the Qs switched groups halfway through.
- Group 1
- Maxine
- 10 Dive Merkins IC
- 10 rocking frogs IC
- 4-way arm raises 10 each IC
- 12 clock merkins
- Random burpees
- 5 side pushups each side ic
- 10 Punch Punch Squats
- 10 Toy Soldiers
- 10 lunges
- Then broke into 4 lines with each line running slow, guy in back doing 10 PPS then running to front. Repeated until we ran out of time.
- Uncle Rico
- High Knees Up/Downs
- Pulse Jumps
- Merkin Crawl
- Burpee Wave
- Maxine
- Group 2
- Tapout
- Merkins 15 IC
- Burpees 5 OYO
- Carolina dry docks 10 IC
- Walkout commandos 10 OYO
- Diamond merkins 8 IC
- Shoulder taps 20 IC
- Whizzer
- 30 seconds of each exercise: low Bonnie Blair, quick toes, duck lunge.
- F3 Trivia question- if a PAX got it wrong, 2 burpees for all. Repeat.
- Binary
- Big Boi medley 10 IC flat legs
- 2 10 IC Right Leg
- Hurricane Flutters 4 rounds 7 IC
- Tapout
- Q had a positive message, we prayed for many, and Q took us out in prayer.
- The pax had coffeeteria/breakfast then cleaned up the 4-5 mile stretch of Pearce Mill Rd.
- The pax grilled out, enjoyed a few pops, and played some cornhole